Collin CountyHR

A member services area of DallasHR

CollinCountyHR (CCHR) is a member services area of DallasHR established in 2016, in collaboration with our members to the North (local Chambers, Economic Development Corporations and Collin College) to support the HR industry and bring programs and events to the 350+ members of DallasHR who live or work in Collin County.

DallasHR’s mission is to serve its members by providing superior development offerings.  We heard from you that Education Events were too far from the office to attend during the lunch hour and if Networking Events were closer you would attend more often.  

Your DallasHR Membership covers networking, education, and events all over the metroplex including Collin County.  See all DallasHR’s upcoming Education and Networking Events here.

For more information on what’s happening in Collin County specifically, log into HRConnect, your online member-only community and add the Collin CountyHR Member Services Area to your Community.