2023 Board Planning Workshop
December 07, 2023 
| 11:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Registration Options

Appointed Board of Directors for 2023 will receive an invitation via email.


Email Jimmy Taylor 
for questions.

2023 Board Planning Workshop

The annual Board Planning Workshop brings together the  DallasHR Board of Trustees and the Operations Board of Directors for a half-day of orientation and strategic planning for the upcoming year. This “invitation only event” allows new and returning volunteer leadership to meet other board members, engage in strategic discussion and make plans and prepare for a successful 2023. Workshops and breakout sessions are designed to level set expectations and give leaders time to collaborate on initiatives.

Tentative Agenda:

11:30 AM - Welcome
12:00- 5:00 PM - Business Sessions and Strategic Planning
5:30 PM - Volunteer Leader Dinner

Important Notices:
Chapter members and guests are not allowed to bring and/or distribute marketing collateral or material other than business cards to any chapter event except paid, sponsoring businesses. Violation of this policy will result in dismissal from the meeting and confiscation of materials. Opportunities to promote products and services are available. For information, please contact [email protected].