Networking Event
August 22, 2024  | 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM


Event Venue

Electric Shuffle Dallas
2615 Elm Street
Dallas, TX 75226

Registration Options


Registration for this event will open in June. 

Registration will remain open until 9:00am on August 21. Members will receive a complimentary drink.

Members and Non-Members are welcome to attend.

Sponsor Details

Event Sponsor

Networking Event for Your Entire Team

Come beat the heat and experience shuffleboard like you've never seen before! The Electric Shuffle team has modernized the beloved past-time with state-of-the-art vision technology (literally created by a rocket scientist) to cultivate a delightfully immersive and outrageously thrilling game, amplifying the moments we spend with friends.  Enjoy high-tech games, spectacular interior design, first-class hospitality, and delicious food and cocktails.

RSVP online now and tell your HR colleagues to join you!  Register your entire HR Team to this amazing event.

Thanks to our sponsor for providing all members and friends with complimentary drinks and appetizers!

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Important Notices:
Chapter members and guests are not allowed to bring and/or distribute marketing collateral or material other than business cards to any chapter event except paid, sponsoring businesses. Violation of this policy will result in dismissal from the meeting and confiscation of materials. Opportunities to promote products and services are available. For information, please contact [email protected].